Tandem jumps

According to statistics, skydiving in tandem with an instructor

is the safest type of aviation activity.

Facts about tandem

Bill Bus invented tandem jump system
190 km/h
free fall speed,
free fall time - up to 50 seconds
> 1500 m
tandem opening height
5 min
parachute flight time

Skydiving in tandem is a great way to experience the feeling of free fall and enjoy parachuting. Your safety during the jump will be monitored by an experienced instructor.

More than 100,000 tandem jumps are performed every year in the world, but none of the passengers jumps in such beautiful places where you will find yourself.

Do not miss the opportunity to admire the beauties of Kamchatka with your own eyes. 360 degree view under the parachute canopy. Unlimited horizons.
Expenditure part:
Plane tickets Moscow-Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky-Moscow
Transfer to hotel and to jumps and back
Accommodation and meals
Helicopter rent
Medical support
Tours & excursions

Variants for participation
An experienced skydiver? Choose “Skydiver” package
Wanna try? Check “Tandem” package out.
“Accompanying” package for travelling non-jumpers
Expenditure part:
Plane tickets Moscow-Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky-Moscow
Transfer to hotel and to jumps and back
Accommodation and meals
Helicopter rent
Medical support
Tours & excursions
Expenditure part:
Plane tickets Moscow-Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky-Moscow
Transfer to hotel and to jumps and back
Accommodation and meals
Helicopter rent (if willing to fly by)
Tours & excursions

Still got questions? Contact us via:


WhatsApp / Telegram:

+7 (916) 585 81 - 13
Our home DZ – Aerograd Kolomna,
Korobcheevo aerodrome,
Kolomna district, Moscow region,


inst - @aerograd.kolomna